Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Water diet

Being characterized by a healthy diet helps a person to adopt a healthy lifestyle. It encourages the practice of physical activity and eating healthy foods without stop eating the food needed for the body. The other diets, which offers promises losing a lot of weight during the period of simple and without the adoption of a healthy lifestyle, including a diet of water, they are not healthy, Vamadaafadtha begin after a few days of starting out. Although the subject of her losing a lot of weight in the beginning, but the outcome of weight lost due to someone quickly.

And know the water diet , as evidenced by its name, it is based on the diet drink plenty of water . Since the water is free of calories, the body loses a lot of weight in the beginning. This diet comes in many forms. But the link between them is that all forms tend to exaggerate the severity. They are based on a person not to eat anything but water for several days. And then, when you start losing weight , add fruits and vegetables to the water. It also admitted that there is a watermark allows only eating apples with water.

It is noteworthy that the continuation of this diet for more than a few days is not a healthy way to lose weight . A person will feel terribly hungry throughout the duration of the diet, what keeps him coming back to the original diet immediately to acquire what he had lost weigh
When the food is the main or the only person is the water, the body loses its basic food materials to him. The result is losing a lot of weight, which is mostly water, not fat. It loses its muscles higher than lose the person who is subject to a healthy diet based reduce the number of what it gets from calories, which indicates that a person eat very little food when you stop the diet of water to keep the lost weight, and because of the decline in metabolic rate has severely.

It is worth noting that if the person does not get sufficient amounts of water during the diet mentioned, he exposes himself to injury complications are numerous and dangerous, indicating the need to be completely avoided. It is these complications of the drought , which in turn may lead to dizziness, headaches and constipation, as well as other cases, which fall into a coma.

He also states that this diet destroys metabolism (metabolism) the person, he is back to what it was like the weight and increase if it continues for a long time
The diet of cold water, which is designed to burn fat, it is really no longer a diet the fact that the person subject her he can eat what he wants from food and drink and he does not have to practice any physical activity plus all the usual, but it must be the water we drink it cold or shake using. So that the body burns calories, which warms the water to drink it up to body temperature. Whenever the water was cold brew, increasing the number of calories burned by the body for the delivery of water to body temperature, which means that this diet is not only an invitation to increase drinking water.

Drank a lot of water, especially between meals and before that helps a person feel full longer and makes it less interested in eating excessively. And also that, on the basis that the treatment of kidney drink water, it leads to wash the body of toxic substances accumulated it
The upshot is that everyone is drinking enough water every day, but it is not a substitute for food, charcoal water is not an appropriate method or a healthy weight-loss, however, can a person lose some calories by drinking cold water or ice in addition to eating. As for those who want to lose weight and maintain a diet deficiency across the water, he should know that this is not the correct way to do so. But by resorting to the well-known diets, which are covered by the person making the reduction of sugars and fats, saturated and resorting to eating fruits and vegetables and whole grains, as well as increasing physical activity. These diets are characterized by reducing the weight and maintain the non-return compared to a diet of water


The goal of liposuction:

Ladies resorted to liposuction to improve body shape and reduce waist circumference and carving the rest of the parts of the body, especially the buttocks area and that in order to look more beautiful and attractive.

And more areas of the body that conducted by liposuction are (abdomen, buttocks, neck, upper arm).

Important base:

Vegetable meat

What is the "vegetable meat"? And its benefits? And why so?

"Vegetable meat" is the name given to the fungus or mushroom! The so called because it contains a high percentage of lean proteins and cholesterol, so it is of appropriate food for vegetarians to Itzdoa protein necessary for the body.

 Benefits of Mushrooms:

-ihtoa To 80-90% of the water, as he was a few calories, so it is suitable for food dieters to reduce weight, we advise you to experience the authority of fresh mushrooms appropriate for dieters.

Misconceptions about condoms

Often seems to use a condom and a means of pressure and coercion, Fastamalh requires caresses stop to put it, what reduces sensations, as it has torn apart. And so it does not seem always easy to distinguish right from wrong in this matter, self-protection remains a major concern.

Mof medical sheds light on the subject, to dispel once and for all the ideas inherited from the use of condoms

For good mental health

If a person is prone to psychological stress or distress, whether through his job for one reason or another personal, the first step of a sense of what is best is to determine the cause.

The most harmful thing, and that can be done, is to resort to something that is not healthy to help deal with this tension, such as smoking or drinking alcohol; In life, there is always a solution to the problems. But the lack of control over the situation, and not to do anything, that would aggravate the problems.

The keys to control the tension well to build mental strength, and control the situation on the mortgage, and the presence of a social network is good, and the adoption of a positive outlook.

Here are the top ten ways to combat mental stress.

1. to be an active

If a person has a problem related to psychological stress, can result in physical activity to the purity of the state of mind and mental has, so to be able to identify the causes of tension has to find a solution; Dealing with stress effectively needs to be a sense of power and psychological cohesion, and helps exercise Sports boil achieve it.

Do not make exercise tension disappears, but it reduces some of the stress felt by the person, and refines ideas, allowing one to deal with its problems more quietly.

2. owning a controlling

3. communicate with people

The problem involved with others the way to get rid of a large part of them, where they can ease the hassles of work, and help to see things in a different way, by having a good support network of friends, colleagues and family.

But if the person does not communicate with people, you will not have a support for the transition to where to find assistance; Valoncth that we're doing with friends helps us to relax, laugh with them as often, and this sponsor discharge tension in an excellent manner.

Also, talk about things with a friend will also help to find solutions to problems.

4. allow some time to relax from work
Work hours are long sometimes; Also, overtime means that people do not spend enough time to do things that are already enjoying. Therefore, we all need some time to relax or social networking or exercise.

Some experts suggest the allocation of two nights a week for such activities away from work, so you'll avoid the extra work on those days.

Get rid of wrinkles

The beauty is an intimate friend of women as well as the wrinkles are the arch-enemy of women. , and the emergence of a single line of wrinkles when some women can infect appalled.

Showing a natural wrinkles of the symptoms of aging afflict all people, but to varying degrees. looking at someone's face, we can estimate the age of the landmarks and the face and the more facial wrinkles

Ten foods beneficial to your heart

Heart not only the member who remember when we talk about happiness and feelings private and Knھa one members of the body essential that the Loud affected body Klھa not as God may lead to sudden death and is often accompanied by problems, heart problems in blood pressure and cholesterol, which have become pests our age. Because the health of your body are closely linked to your life and your diet regime and therefore the oldest so today's best 10 foods to strengthen your heart muscle.

Eight steps to look younger ladies

We offer you some tips that will make you look younger:

1 Use skin protection products right for you and which contains:

A. Antioxidants  such as vitamin C

B Alritinoid (Retinoids) that help to regenerate skin cells and stimulate the production of the protein collagen , which tightens the skin.

C - Hyderoxa alpha acid which exfoliates the skin and gently removes the surface layer of dead skin and renews  skin cells

The impact of waves on the laptop man's fertility

Researchers recently discovered that the use of a laptop linked to the Internet via waves (Wi-Fi) wireless topic on the thighs or near members of the man's genitals may adversely affect sperm production and on the amount of lead to be effective

Decreases fertility in men.

This is due to two important factors , namely:

1 heat generated from the operation of the PC.

2 waves (Wi-Fi) wireless.


He found the experience on the tubular test their sperm and the situation at the same temperature in two separate rooms Algriqh first waves (Wi-Fi) wireless and not the second chamber by the waves (Wi-Fi) wireless that sperm that put out by the Chamber

Waves (Wi-Fi) wireless has become less effective and less movement.

The study proved that sperm exposed to waves (Wi-Fi) wireless lose significantly the capacity and efficiency of movement and the sperm exposed to permanent genetic changes in the DAN may lead to serious consequences for Atomic in the future.

The studies also demonstrated that a quarter of the sperm placed near the laptop for a few hours had died and the reason for that is the effect of physical waves (Wi-Fi) wireless electromagnetic waves, they do not see and do not touch the eye but affect the

The cells of the human body, which contains chemicals and genes Genet, especially the DAN.



1 do not become addicted to the use of modern technology.

2 arrived preferably electronic devices to the Internet by wire instead of wireless.

3 Do not put your laptop on the thighs or near the genitals, but put it on the table away from the body so as to avoid

Heat emitted from it and avoid electromagnetic waves.
Knowing that placing an electronic device near the testes is considered harmful even with the absence of waves (Wi-Fi) wireless.

What is the chemical damage Dieting

Spread in the recent so-called Balrgim chemotherapy in order to get rid of obesity , and this accursed depends mainly on protein and fat, such as milk and dairy products, eggs, red meat and white, while minimizing the amount of carbohydrates or even cancel

Many specialists cautioned that it contains many Almkhatrlonh changes the ratio of carbohydrate to protein. In this context, Abu Fida wonder the Lord on specialty food and nutrition through the means of social communication on, saying: " What is the damage to the accursed chemotherapy ?

In response to this question, see Mohammad Mardini that everything is a chemical harmful, he says: "I have a conviction that most of what chemical is harmful even promoted him in the media that he is harmless, including diet drugs slimming Despite the lack of a specialist and an excuse of specialists if you need to ease I have my weight Spillane twin sport suitable for diet food and thoughtful "
As Manal Sidky believes that the harm lies immediately upon completion it will return the person to the habits bad food before the accursed and will gain the weight they lost, says: "It harms is to learn the person eating habits proper and therefore when tired of it and let him return to the weight before dieting and maybe more, so do not can be applied to everyone example, can not be applied to patients with liver and kidney, gout, high blood pressure, and is the cost of expensive and also cause kidney stones and disturbance in the balance of water and minerals in the body, "and is consistent with the opinion Mohammed Othman, who answers, saying:" This causes the accursed palaces in jobs liver and kidney, hair loss, depression because of the nature of the system, and cruelty, and sometimes may cause the use of diet chemotherapy condition occurs ketoacidosis "The Dalal wars Vtgab, saying:" It contains a lot of risk and damage, according to specialists, especially because it is based on changing the ratio of carbohydrate to protein (nutrient energy), causing an imbalance during metabolism in the body in turn leads to weight loss
In the opinion of the specialists that although this accursed leads to a landing weight of 7 to 8 kilos in two weeks, but they are advised to turn to stop him after two weeks, especially that follow this type of diet helps to reduce the quantities ingested from food because of repeated use of the same meal on one frequency, which leads to poisoning of the central nervous system due to large quantities of available blood acid compounds and intermediate incomplete combustion of body fat and consists of those fatty acids from body fat or Algmae.oichir specialists to a range of damages and risks that may affect those who continue to follow This accursed on an ongoing basis and subjected to sudden cardiac death resulting from the disruption of the heart due to systemic metabolism imbalance element potassium and sodium deficiency

     Which also leads to lower blood pressure in a way leads to failure and heart function. And other damage to this accursed on health caused by kidney stones, palaces and functions and the functions of the liver, hair loss and fatigue continuous and can not be disposed of obesity in the future

He warns specialists of this accursed being cause significant health risks and increases the likelihood of the emergence of diseases, heart disease and hardening of the arteries, diabetes, stroke, brain, pointing out that the accursed chemotherapy may destroy the patient before the discovery of his illness, "Najwan
 Says it is difficult to continuity on this diet for the deficiency of some salts and vitamins "

I went Oglapt answers to the damage that the diet of many chemical and dangerous and should be avoided this diet. What do you think?

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